nice to meet ya!

Just call me your friendly neighborhood tech expert! I am so glad that you're here, and I hope you leave my little corner of the Internet feeling empowered and confident. Running a business is hard work, especially if you are doing it on your own. There are so many facets to worry about, tools to use, and things to remember. No wonder creatives are constantly feeling overwhelmed! Well friend, things are about to change. My mission is to give you the peace of mind and confidence that you need to run a successful business. Most importantly though, a healthy business means you get spend more time doing what you love and with the people you love. Thats why we started this journey, right? 

I am so glad you're here. I'm cheering for you! 


I'm Dawn

Hey there!

Creatives need a safe place to learn and ask questions about their technology, no matter how big or small. They need a resource that is easy to understand and speaks to their passion and heart. That realization is how Tech Savvy Creative came to life. 

Friends, I am so glad you are here. The technology world can be so intimidating and overwhelming, but you can tackle this, and I will be with you every step of the way! 

and then I realized...

Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved technology. I loved playing on the computer, learning HTML (Oh Hey Myspace!), and even dabbled with some hardware repairs. The start of my IT career began in college when I landed a job at Apple. Y'all, to say I was already an "Apple Fan Girl" would have been the understatement of the year, so this was such an exciting accomplishment for me. I loved every minute of my time at Apple, and spent most of my work days repairing and troubleshooting devices, facilitating workshops and coaching customers. What I didn't expect though, was that this job at Apple would set a fire in me. It led me to a degree in Management Information Systems, and then on to a job as a Software Engineer. And you know what? I loved it. 

My entrance into the creative world was far from expected. A coworker sent me a link to the Groupon "Deal of the Day" which was a DSLR camera. I always wanted a "real" camera, so I bought it. I didn't realize it at the time, but that impulse purchase completely changed the direction of my life and career.

I fell in love with photography from a technical standpoint. I was holding a machine in my hands that was capable of freezing time. Changing settings to create the perfect image was like a puzzle to me. I loved learning about light, exposure, and how each little setting could create the perfect photo. My love for this new hobby led me to taking on a few clients, and then I fell in love with a new idea - being my own boss. That is when Dawn Elizabeth Studios was born. 

I became so immersed in the world of entrepreneurship. I connected with other creatives, joined my chapter of the Rising Tide Society, and found mentors to help me along my journey. I am a technical girl at heart, so one of the first few things I looked into was software to manage my business. I LOVED this part the most. I loved creating systems and automations so my business could run behind the scenes while I worked full time. Little by little my photography hobby became a full-fledged business, and within two years I have booked over 30 weddings and was making six-figures. It wasn't long after that that I left my software engineering job to pursue my business full time.

As I connected with more creatives and small business owners, I realized that the part they struggled with was the part I LOVED the most - technology. Between choosing the right tool, learning how to use new software, backing things up, keeping their computer running smoothly, building a website and accepting online payments, they were just downright overwhelmed. I mean, who wouldn't be?! There is so much information to process and not many resources that are easy to digest and understand. 

My Story

My Timeline

a full circle journey, for sure!


Started my job at Apple doing technical support and facilitating workshops and lessons


Transferred to Texas Tech and started working as a Web Developer


Graduated from Texas Tech with a B.B.A in Management Information Systems


Started working as a software engineer in San Antonio, TX


Started my photography business while working full time


Left the IT world to work full time as a wedding photographer


Began teaching other creatives how to utilize tools and technology in their businesses


Launched Tech Savvy Creative!

My Amazon Shop!

favorite gadgets, camera gear, books, and more!

shop now!

See the products I use every day to enhance my business and personal life! I've curated my favorite things so you can sit back and shop!

Get some one on one time with me to talk through what technology YOU are having issues with! 

Want something more hands on?

check out coaching